What Is Off-Page SEO?

Building Your Digital Reputation Beyond Your Website

Search engine optimisation has so many aspects to it, it is little wonder that those not familiar with it run for the hills when the subject is raised. If you are not running a business that has an online presence, then running away is fine, but if you do then it is very important that you have some understanding of the factors that can affect your ranking on search engines.

Off-page SEO

One of the primary factors is off-page SEO, whose simplest definition is that it those optimisations which exist and occur away from a website.

For that reason, you must first accept that any SEO which occurs is not always fully under your control, for the simple fact that it involves websites and online properties that are owned and controlled by other people.

That being said, you will find that most website owners are happy to cooperate with your efforts.

According to the SEO gurus at Moz, off-page SEO accounts for more than 50% of the ranking factors Google considers. That’s huge! It’s like having half your HSC marks based on what other people say about you. (Thank goodness that’s not actually how it works, right?)

Why Should You Give a XXXX About Off-Page SEO?

Look, I get it. You’re busy running your business, whether it’s a surf shop in Cottesloe or a mechanic in Malaga. Why should you care about something that happens off your website?

Well, let me tell you a story about a bloke named Josh from Harrison’s Landscaping in Sydney. (I know, I know, it’s not Perth, but good principles work anywhere, even if they do talk funny over east.)

Josh came to us back in 2014 with a website that had more penalties than the Dockers in a bad season. His previous SEO team had been about as useful as a screen door on a submarine, leaving him with a mess of dodgy backlinks and over-optimized pages.

We rolled up our sleeves and got to work. We audited his site, cleaned up the mess, and implemented a comprehensive off-page SEO strategy. Fast forward five years, and Josh’s organic traffic had shot up by over 200%! He went from being lost in the digital wilderness to dominating Google’s search results for competitive landscaping keywords in Sydney.

Here’s what Josh had to say:

“A big congratulations to you and your team. Both our websites harrisonslandscaping.com.au and thebalconygarden.com.au now easily outrank all their respective competitors in both of their ultra competitive industry sectors. Thanks again”

Recently, he said:

“I can vouch for the quality of the service. Peter and I have worked together for over 10 years and I’ve always been really happy with the results. You’re in safe hands.”

Now, I’m not saying we can wave a magic wand and get these results for everyone overnight. SEO is more of a marathon than a sprint down St Georges Terrace. But with the right off-page SEO strategy, we can help you climb those search rankings faster than you can say “Gotta love Perth!”

The Three Musketeers of Off-Page SEO

Alright, let’s break this down into bite-sized pieces, like a good sausage sizzle at Bunnings. There are three main areas of off-page SEO that you need to focus on:

  1. Branding: This is all about making your brand as recognizable as the Swan River.
  2. Social Media: Because if you’re not on social media these days, do you even exist?
  3. Link Building: The bread and butter of off-page SEO. More on this in a tick.

Branding: More Than Just a Logo

When it comes to off-page SEO, your brand is like a good reputation – it precedes you. Google loves brands because they’re seen as trustworthy. It’s like how you’d trust a recommendation from your mate more than a random flyer shoved under your windscreen wiper.

Getting your brand mentioned in reviews, articles, and social media – even without a link – can do wonders for your SEO. Google’s crawlers are smarter than a Curtin Uni professor; they can pick up these brand signals and figure out how you’re perceived online.

Social Media: It’s Not Just for Selfies

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “Do I really need to be on Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/whatever-the-kids-are-using-these-days?” The short answer is: yeah, you probably do.

While Google might not put as much weight on social media as some other factors, it’s still a crucial part of your off-page SEO strategy. It’s like how a meat pie isn’t strictly necessary at the footy, but it sure makes the experience better!

Plus, social media is a great way to build backlinks and enhance your brand. It’s a win-win, like finding a $20 note in your old boardies.

Link Building: The Holy Grail of Off-Page SEO

Now we’re getting to the good stuff. Backlinks are to SEO what the Freo Doctor is to a hot summer day in Perth – absolutely essential.

According to a study by Backlinko, the number of domains linking to a page was the factor that correlated most strongly with rankings in Google [2]. In other words, getting good backlinks is like having a bunch of other websites vote for you in the Google election.

But here’s the thing: it’s not just about quantity. Going out and creating as many backlinks as you can is about as effective as trying to cool down by standing in front of an open fridge. (We’ve all been there on a 40-degree day, right?)

Google cares about where those links are coming from. A link from the West Australian is worth a lot more than a link from BobsRandomBlog.com. It’s all about quality, diversity, and relevance.

The SEO Perth Experts Approach to Off-Page SEO

So, how do we actually do this off-page SEO thing? Well, it’s not rocket science, but it does take some know-how. Here’s our game plan:

  1. Brand Building: We help you create a brand that’s as recognizable as the Perth skyline.
  2. Social Media Strategy: We’ll help you navigate the social media landscape like a pro surfer at Trigg Beach.
  3. Link Building: We craft a diverse backlink profile that’s as varied as the food options in Northbridge.
  4. Local SEO: Because ranking in Perth is different from ranking in Parramatta.
  5. Content Creation: We create shareable content that people want to link to, like a virtual Sculpture by the Sea.

Don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what Cullen Long from Principal Landscapes + Pools had to say:

“Peter has been doing our SEO for our website Principal Landscapes for a few years now. Our ranking has always been very good and Peter and his team have worked diligently in the background to ensure our website is first class, functional and has a good presence online. Peter’s always available and has been great to deal with. Highly recommended!”

Ready to Take Your Off-Page SEO to the Next Level?

Look, I get it. Off-page SEO can seem more complicated than trying to find parking in Subiaco on a Saturday night. But here’s the thing – it’s not just another marketing tactic. It’s a way to build your digital reputation and get your business in front of people who are actively looking for what you offer.

According to Statista, as of April 2024, there were 5.44 billion internet users worldwide, which amounted to 67.1 percent of the global population. That’s a lot of potential customers looking for businesses just like yours!

So, what do you say? Ready to give your Perth business the off-page SEO boost it deserves? Let’s chat. We’ll take a look at your business, your goals, and your competition, and craft an off-page SEO strategy that’s as unique as a sunset over Cottesloe Beach.

Remember, in the digital world, it’s not about being the biggest. It’s about being the smartest. And with the right off-page SEO strategy, even the smallest Perth business can make a big impact.

Give us a bell. Let’s show those big guys what us Perth businesses can do!

Let’s do great work together.

Find out how SEO Perth Experts can increase your revenue with expert SEO.

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